Vox at the NAMM show, 1963

Chicago, Palmer House Hotel, 21st-25th July

Although the first report on this page (from the "Record Retailer", below) states that Jennings was the sole British representative at the NAMM show of 1963, this - it turns out - was not strictly true as the article at the end of the page (published in another paper in August) indicates. Challen Eavestaff and Alfred Knight also attended. However, it should be said that in the early 1960s manufacturers of pianos and manufacturers of electronic instruments had formed themselves into different camps - a sort of natural separation. The piano section of the Frankfurt Trade Fair, for instance, was quite distinct from the section comprising Jennings, Rose Morris, Selmer, and so on. All perfectly understandable. It is likely that the report casting Jennings as the sole British representative at Chicago simply failed to say "sole British manufacturer of electronic instruments".

Jennings at the NAMM Trade Fair, Chicago, 1963

JMI's flagship amplifiers at this time were still the AC30s - Twins, Super Twins, and Super Twin Reverbs - in company with the new transistor equipment that had been unveiled at the Russell Hotel Trade Fair in August 1962 - the T30 and T60. The Continental was the "latest thing" in terms of the company's organs. Whether any orders resulted is not known at present.

A detail from the Jennings advert for its display placed in a spread of American journals. Thanks to Nick for the pic.

Vox at the NAMM show, Chicago, 1963

"Record Retailer and Music Industry News", 25th July, 1963.

Below, a note of the presence of the stand in an American music trade journal - Room 966W of the Palmer House Hotel. Although listings for the show are by no means comprehensive, it is evident that Jennings was there independently at this point. The arrangement to distribute Thomas Organs (announced in August 1963) had not yet been struck or at least finalised. Close to Jennings on its corridor were V.C. Squier Company Incorporated (violins and strings) in Room 968W, and Mills Music Incorporated (music publishing) in Room 969W. Thomas had rooms 617-620 on aonther floot.

American music trade journal, July 1963.

Vox at the NAMM show, Chicago, 1963

"Music Trades Review", August 1963.

British music trade journal, August 1963. Picture taken from a very tightly-bound volume, but the text should be legible enough.