Vox (JMI) Catalogue, 1964
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The Jennings catalogue of 1964 - probably the most beautiful that the company produced - was essentially a folder of loose leaves and bifolia of various colours held together with a perspex grip at the spine. The idea doubtless was to enable pages and spreads to be taken out and pinned up.
Printers' runners throughout seem to indicate that the pages were printed in February 1964 (2.64). It is likely to have been released soon thereafter. Probably with an eye to "future proofing", the front cover was given the date 1964/5. But by mid 1964 much had changed, necessitating the issuing of new promotional material and making a number of the items represented and described in this catalogue redundant.
Note that the AC50 is still the thin-edged single channel two-input model.
The range of "Domino" amplifiers was said to be new in a review of the Vox stand at the "British Musical Instrument Industries" fair at the Russell Hotel, late August, 1964.
A detail of a picture taken at the Russell Hotel show, late August, 1964. Note the copies of the catalogue on the circular stand under the perspex AC30.