A Vox 2x15" bass speaker cabinet from mid 1964
A 2x15" speaker cab from mid 1964 in heavy charcoal rexine. The speakers, which have been reconed, are the original blue Celestion T1076s, 15 ohms apiece, wired in parallel for a total of 8 ohms.
The logo is moulded and has a stippled background. There are no corner protectors. Small imprints remain of panels (?) once attached in some way over the XLR input both on the inside and outside of the cab. The present XLR socket is modern.
An overview of tall Vox bass speaker cabs is available here. At least three other early 2x15s with charcoal rexine covering survive.
Note that the 2x15" cab that accompanies AC80/100 serial number 177 - pictured here - differs in several respects. Tolex is basketweave; the logo is wooden-backed; and corner protectors are present.
That 2x15s with smooth rexine were paired up for sale by JMI with early AC80/100s (which were finished in basketweave) seems unlikely. Granted, amps and cabs could always have been purchased separately. But where ready-made sets are concerned, small box, thick-edged, AC50s would make better aesthetic sense - something extremely important to JMI. See the amps with smooth grey/charcoal rexine covering at the head of this page.
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