Jennings Electronic Industries V30

Autumn 1973 to 1975

jei v30

Detail from the new JEI catalogue of autumn 1763.

The Jennings Electronic Industries V30 was revealed for the first time at the Russell Hotel Ftrade Fair of August 1973, part of the newly revamped range of amplifiers - purple control panels, new grille cloth, and large JEI logo. The V30 replaced the , which was advertised for the last time in June '73.

Detail from the pricelist accompanying the JEI catalogue of autumn 1973.


On the left, JEI prices in January 1974; on the right December.

The preamp of the V30 is closely related to that of the V100 - for examples of the latter. Assembly of the chassis is likely to have been contracted out to Triumph Electronics, which had worked for Tom in JMI days (from 1960 through to 1967). The V100 was certainly based on a Triumph design (created by Dave Roffey).

So far as can be judged from photographs, the power section of the V30 is still cathode biased (as in the AC40). Two models of were offered: one with reverb, the other without. The speakers generally fitted were Rola Celestion G12S, model T1417, ceramic magnet, 20w handling.

The serial number sequence began at 500 and probably extended some way into the 600s. The highest number known at present however is 565.

Either transitional from AC40 to V30 (c. 1973), or end of days (c. 1975)

An extremely unusual Jennings amp - a rare bird indeed. The control panel is at back, instead of front-facing (as in the case of the most Jennings combos). The cab is similar to the Jennings T50 (see the image below), but the chassis is a standard (old-style) AC40. Electronics beautifully wired; mustard capacitors throughout. The speakers currently in the cab are Fanes, perhaps the originals, date 05/75. Thanks to Steve for the pictures.

Serial number 509 - currently in Germany

Nice cosmetic and electronic condition. Speakers are of the same type as the amp at the foot of this page (Celestion G12S, bass resonance). The date code is _F27 = 27th of some month in 1973. Thanks to Arno for the pictures.

Serial number 565 - currently in the UK

A reverb model. An extra jack socket has been added on the control panel, perhaps a preamp line out. One Celestion G12S, perhaps with a grey cover, though light or fading may have skewed the colour. Its code is not fully discernible - looks as though it ends "87", however.

Serial number unknown - currently in the USA

A great V30, in good condition. The Rola Celestion speakers have the code "GJ16" = 16th July 1976. The solder joints on the wiring look original.

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