Jennings Electronic Industries J100

The J100D

The Jennings J100 along with the J40, both solid state, were the first guitar amps marketed by Tom Jennings's new company, initially "Jennings Electronic Developments" (in mid 1968), then "Jennings Electronic Industries" by 1969. The J100 took two forms initially: amplifier section with a separate 4x12" speaker cabinet (the Jennings D4); and the J100D combo (4x12"). On the latter, . Later, the amplifier section would be available on its own.

A Jennings J100 (J100D) amplifier section. Detailed pics of the amp, which is from late 1969 / early 1970, .

Tom's new range ("amplifiers from 40 to 100W") was unveiled for the first time at the Russell Hotel Trade Fair in August 1968:

Music trade press, August 1968. The J40 and J100. Material on the Jennings J40, . The pedals in the advert are: the Wah-Wah, the Growler (Wah-Wah and Fuzz), and the Scrambler.

Report of the Fair in "Beat Instrumental magazine, September 1968.

In the catalogue printed in advance of the Frankfurt Trade Fair (late February) 1969, the two versions were described succinctly:

Detail from the Jennings catalogue of late 1968 / early 1969.

In January 1970, Jennings gave "Beat Instrumental" magazine an outline of his thinking:

Snippet from Beat Instrumental magazine, Jan. 1970.

Although nothing is known for certain about the design of the electronics, it seems likely that they are the work in large part of Dick Denney and John Oram (who joined Tom from JMI in 1967 and 1968 respectively). In July 1969, the trade press signalled that Jennings had joined the APT Electronics Group (of Byfleet and Ascot) and that production/manufacture would be handled by APT - - this though only for the solid state amplifiers. Triumph Electronics assembled the valve amplifiers for Tom.

By early 1970, the J100 was available in three forms: as a separate amplifier section; the J100 combo; and the J100D (amplifier section and separate Jennings D4 speaker cabinet).

Beat Instrumental magazine, February 1970

"Beat Instrumental" magazine, February 1970.

There is no sign of the J100 as a separate amplifier section at the Russell Hotel Trade Fair of August 1969 though:

British Musical Instrumental Trade Fair, August 1969. This picture is NOT from 1968 as has been claimed. The J100 combo is over to the left, under the PA column. A photo taken from the far end of the room indicates that no separate J100 amp section was present.

Tom, true to form, was able to place J100s in the hands of a number of prominent artists: Argent (the Rod Argent band), The Shadows, and the Dave Clark Five. Sounds Incorporated is shown in a promotional photograph with two J100 combos - at the .

The Shadows in Copenhagen, 1970 with J100D sets.

Through to late 1972 prices remained relatively stable. In mid 1973, they were reduced substantially. A few months later the J100 and J100D were deleted from the Jennings catalogue.

Jennings pricelist, December 1972.

Brief list of prices published in June 1973.

Surviving amps

Jennings J100 amplifier separate (solid state)

Possibly an early J100 - the amps below have a green/grey fascia behind the front-panel controls.

Sold on in mid 2012. A two channel amp with a three-position mid-range boost (a relative of the mid-range boost of Vox solid state amps).

Currently in Germany.

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